Nykyisen verolainsäädännön mukaan myyjä on vapautettu arvonlisäverosta, jos sinulla on EU:n veronumero, kun ostokset tehdään kotimaan ulkopuolella.
Myyjä antaa asiaa koskevan asiakirjan (laskun). IĮ SOUNDIUM on Liettuassa rekisteröity yritys.
Voit ostaa tavaroita kaupastamme 0% arvonlisäverolla, jos olet rekisteröitynyt verovelvolliseksi Suomessa. Jos ostat yrityksen kautta, huomioi tämä ja anna kaikki tarvittavat yritystiedot - yritystunnus ja alv-rekisteröintikoodi ovat tärkeimmät. Tämä soveltaa tilaukseesi 0% arvonlisäveroa.
899,00 €
Etävarasto: 2 kpl. saatavilla Toimitus 7-14 arkipäivässä
Sharing DNA with notable processors such as the Distressor, Arousor, and Mike-E, the V-PUMP from Empirical Labs is a classic, soft-knee-style VCA compressor designed with a vertically oriented chassis for use with 500-series racks. Featuring eight ratios to choose from (2:1 to 20:1) and digitally stepped controls for easy recall, the V-PUMP is designed as a go-to compression processor, flexible enough to bend to the will of any creative endeavor.
The attack section provides speeds ranging from 200 µs to 40 ms, while the release section allows for 50 to 500 ms release times as well as an opto-coupler-style release. The compressor also includes extra features like a 70 Hz high-pass filter, a saturation soft clipper from the Mike-E, comprehensive gain reduction metering, bypass, and a unique attack modification (AtMod) feature derived from the Arousor plug-in and appearing in hardware for the first time.
Attack Modification
One of the most unique features of PUMP is AtMod, short for Attack Modification. First seen in the Arousor plug-in, AtMod is a feature never before found in a hardware compressor.
AtMod gives users the ability to slow down the initial slope of the attack envelope to add just a little bit more of the transient back into the track. Whether it’s to get a little bit more snap on the snare track or more thump on the electric bass, the AtMod will let the transients through without losing your desired amount of compression.